Julia Boutros - Lebanon Is Victoriousجوليا بطرس - انتصر لبنانIntasara Lubnan

This song was performed after Israeli forces withdrew from Lebanon in 2006

Julia Boutros - Lebanon Is Victorious

He who has sullied my land with his blood
Has now gone
He has run away confused and humiliated
Like any coward
And he has understood that so long as he remains, the stars will not shine in the sky
He will never be met with anything but sorrow
He has been defeated now, he has been defeated
Lebanon is victorious

His spiteful face has now been smashed
The oppressor was insulted because I continued to fight back
And forever defend my family/people
From the mountain top to the plains
For the truth is more powerful than ignorance and oppression

جوليا بطرس - انتصر لبنان

من لوّث أرضي بدمائه
قد رحل الآن
و فرّ كذليلٍ تائه
كأيّ جبان

و أيقن أنّ ببقائه .. لن يسطع نجم في سمائه
لن تأتي أبداً للقائه .. إلاّ الأحزان

قد هُزِم الآن .. قد هُزِم
انتصـــر لبنـــان

قد سُحِق الآن
وجه الحاقد و الظالم
و كان مُهان .. لأنّي ما زلت أقاوِم

و أدافع دوماً عن أهلي
من قمّة جبلي إلى سهلي
فالحقّ أقوى من الجهل و من الطغيــان

من لوّث أرضي بدمائه
قد رحل الآن
و فرّ كذليلٍ تائه
كأيّ جبان

و أيقن أنّ ببقائه .. لن يسطع نجم في سمائه
لن تأتي أبداً للقائه .. إلاّ الأحزان
قد هُزِم الآن .. قد هُزِم

Julia Boutros - We are the Uprising and the Outcryجوليا بطرس - نحنا الثورة والغضبNihna al-Sawra wal-Ghadab

One note about the translation: The most common translations for the words ثورة and غضب are "revolution/rebellion" and "anger" respectively. Here, those words have those meanings, but carry more the connotation of public outcry, outrage or fury and popular uprising. Revolution is too political science (anway, in this context, Lebanon's struggles with Israel wouldn't be a revolution) and anger sounds too irrational in English and give the wrong meaning in the wider context of the song.

Julia Boutros - We are the Uprising and the Outcry

We are the uprising and the outcry
We are the hope of the generations
From here and from us is written the history of the victors (heroes)
We are the dawn that is breaking
We are the sword that is cutting
Our place is in the hearts of the people
We are the joy of our children

You will forget those hard days, oh forgotten people
Throughout these years of estrangement we've been exiled in our own country
What does this "freedom" have?
Forgotten tears of joy
This long-awaited victory is dear to you and me

جوليا بطرس - نحنا الثورة والغضب

نحنا الثورة والغضب
نحنا امل الأجيال
من هون من عنا انكتب
تاريخ الأبطال
فجر اللي طالع نحنا
والسيف القاطع نحنا
قلوب الناس مطارحنا
نحنا فرح الأطفال

رح ننسى الأيام الصعبة
ياهالناس المنسيين
كنا طول سنين الغربة
بوطنا منفيين
شوفي يا هالحرية
دموع الفرح المنسية
غالي عليكون وعليي
هالنصر اللي طال